Pilates and pregnancy: staying safe, healthy, and strong

For every woman, the pregnancy journey is a transformative experience that brings huge physical and emotional changes.

It's a time when your and your baby's well-being is everything. And while it’s natural to be cautious, it's important to remember that staying active can have many benefits for expectant mothers. 

This article explores the many advantages of incorporating Pilates into your prenatal and postpartum fitness routine. 

But before we start, two things you must know about doing Pilates when you’re pregnant:

  1. It's important to note that not all Pilates exercises are suitable during pregnancy. Working with a qualified Pilates instructor experienced with prenatal Pilates is essential. They’ll ensure the exercises you do are safe and appropriate for your stage of pregnancy. 

  2. You should also consult with your healthcare provider before starting any exercise program. Your exercises should always be tailored to your individual needs and health status.

The benefits of Pilates during Pregnancy

Pilates is a low-impact form of exercise helping to strengthen the body, promote flexibility, and enhance mental well-being. It’s an excellent exercise to do when you’re pregnant because of its emphasis on core and pelvic floor strengthening, breathing control, and relaxation. 

Pilates builds strength in your Upper Back and Hips

 As your baby grows, your centre of gravity moves forward. This change in posture can put a strain on your joints and muscles, causing discomfort. 

Strengthening your upper back and scapular muscles will give you better support and help maintain good posture. It will also help ease any pain, strain, or discomfort as your baby bump grows, and even after you have your baby.  

Increasing your upper body strength may also come in handy for pushing and maintaining certain positions during childbirth.

Increasing the strength of your glutes and the muscles around your back will also alleviate an overloaded pelvis and spine. 

Pilates for Core and Pelvic Floor Strengthening

Good core stability and a strong pelvic floor are key to a smoother pregnancy and delivery.

Pilates focuses on developing those deep core muscles which support your spine, maintain proper alignment, and help reduce the risk of back pain and discomfort.

Benefits of a strong core

  • Good posture is essential for stability, balance, and injury prevention. During pregnancy, this strength becomes vital as it supports the added weight of your growing baby and minimises the risk of musculoskeletal strain. 

  • Reduces your back pain – A strong core provides better support for your spine and can alleviate common issues like lower back pain. This is common during pregnancy as your centre of gravity shifts and increases stress on your lower back.

  • Prepares you for labour and helps you recover more quickly - Labour and childbirth draw deeply on your core strength. The core muscles play a role in pushing during labour, and a well-conditioned core can make the process a bit easier.

  • Helps you move more easily – Everyday movements like getting in and out of bed or off a chair, picking up objects, and carrying your baby, should be easier when your core is strong.

Advantages of Pilates for a Strong Pelvic Floor:

  • Better pelvic floor support - Pilates includes exercises that target the pelvic floor muscles. These muscles are responsible for supporting the uterus, bladder, and rectum. Strengthening them can reduce the risk of issues like urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse during and after pregnancy.

  • Helps prevent Diastasis Recti - A strong pelvic floor, along with core stability, can help prevent or address diastasis recti. This happens when the abdominal muscles separate during pregnancy. Pilates can help realign and strengthen these muscles.

  • Improved bladder control – Not a fun subject, but an important one! A strong pelvic floor can reduce the risk of stress urinary incontinence, a common issue during pregnancy and postpartum. It can also help improve bladder control and reduce the frequency of bathroom trips.

Better breathing control through your Pilates practice

Pilates is not only beneficial for physical strength and flexibility during pregnancy and labour, but it also plays a significant role in improving breathing control. 

Here's how Pilates can help with breathing control during pregnancy and labour:

  • Awareness of breathing - With Pilates, the emphasis is on conscious and controlled breathing. Through your Pilates practice, you’ll become more aware of your breath, learning to engage the diaphragm and control the flow of air in and out of the lungs. This awareness is invaluable during pregnancy, helping you adapt to changes in lung capacity as the baby takes up more space.

  • Deep breathing techniques - Pilates incorporates deep, diaphragmatic breathing patterns, also known as "belly breathing." This type of breathing engages the diaphragm and helps expand the ribcage, allowing for more efficient oxygen exchange. The deep breathing techniques taught in Pilates can help you breathe more easily as the uterus expands and presses against the diaphragm.

  • Relaxation and stress reduction – Pregnancy brings big changes in your life. And let’s face it, it can sometimes make you feel a little anxious. Pilates promotes relaxation through controlled breathing which can ease tension and contribute to a more positive emotional state.

  • Preparation for labour - As labour approaches, controlled breathing is a crucial skill, useful during the intense moments of labour. Deep breaths and breath control can help manage pain and discomfort, as well as provide focus and composure during contractions.

  • Improves your lung capacity - Pilates exercises can enhance lung capacity, making it easier to take in more oxygen. Increased lung capacity can be a significant advantage during labour when sustained, controlled breathing can make progress a little easier.

  • Helps you adapt to changes in your body – As your body undergoes significant changes during pregnancy, Pilates helps you adapt to these changes, ensuring that your breathing remains efficient. This adaptability can be crucial during labour when the body is working hard, and controlled breathing is essential.

  • Helps you bounce back after labour - After childbirth, Pilates can help new mothers regain control over their breathing and strengthen the diaphragm and respiratory muscles, which may have been impacted during pregnancy and labour.

Adapting your Pilates practice to suit you and your changing body

Your health and the health of your baby come first! 

Whether you're an experienced Pilates enthusiast or someone entirely new to the practice, there are a few important things to remember when pregnant: 

  • Always consult with your healthcare provider (GP, medical specialist, or midwife) before starting any exercise program.

  • Pay attention to your body and adjust your routine as needed.

  • Avoid any high-impact and risky exercises – your Pilates instructor will advise you on what’s best.

  • Stay hydrated and cool – avoid overheating.

Pilates can offer many physical and mental benefits during this transformative period of your life. 

Let’s go on the journey together!


Mat-based Pilates: your path to a balanced mind and body


Strengthen your pelvic floor with this daily routine